import * as fs from 'fs/promises'; import {constants} from 'fs'; import fetch from 'node-fetch'; import {Beatmap, Calculator} from 'rosu-pp'; import {osu_fetch} from './api.js'; import db from './database.js'; // Promise queue to make sure we're only scanning one map at a time (eliminating race conditions) const queue = []; async function run_queue_loop() { while (queue.length > 0) { try { const res = await _get_map_info(queue[0].map_id, queue[0].api_res); queue[0].resolve(res); } catch (err) { queue[0].reject(err); } queue.shift(); } } function get_map_info(map_id, api_res) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { queue.push({map_id, api_res, resolve, reject}); // First item in the queue: init queue loop if (queue.length == 1) run_queue_loop(); }); } // Get metadata and pp from map ID (downloads it if not already downloaded) async function _get_map_info(map_id, api_res) { const map = db.prepare(`SELECT * FROM map WHERE map_id = ?`).get(map_id); if (map) { return map; } // 1. Download the map // Looking for .osu files? peppy provides monthly dumps here: const file = `maps/${parseInt(map_id, 10)}.osu`; try { await fs.access(file, constants.F_OK); } catch (err) { console.log(`Beatmap id ${map_id} not found, downloading it.`); const new_file = await fetch(`${map_id}`); const text = await new_file.text(); if (text == '') { // While in most cases an empty page means the map ID doesn't exist, in // some rare cases osu! servers actually don't have the .osu file for a // valid map ID. But we can't do much about it. throw new Error('Invalid map ID'); } await fs.writeFile(file, text); } // 2. Process it with rosu-pp const rosu_map = new Beatmap({path: file}); const calc = new Calculator(); const attrs = calc.mapAttributes(rosu_map); // 3. Get additionnal map info from osu!api // (we can't get the following just from the .osu file: set_id, length, ranked, dmca) if (!api_res) {`[API] Fetching map data for map ID ${map_id}`); api_res = await osu_fetch(`${map_id}`); } // 4. Save map metadata db.prepare(` INSERT INTO map ( map_id, name, mode, ar, cs, hp, od, bpm, set_id, length, ranked, dmca ) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)`).run( map_id, api_res.beatmapset.title, api_res.mode_int,, attrs.cs, attrs.hp, attrs.od, attrs.bpm,, api_res.total_length, api_res.beatmapset.ranked, api_res.beatmapset.availability.download_disabled ? 1 : 0, ); // 5. Process all mod combinations'Computing pp for map', map_id); const compute_and_insert = (mods) => { const calc = new Calculator({mods}); const perf = calc.performance(rosu_map); db.prepare( `INSERT INTO pp (map_id, mods, stars, pp) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`, ).run( map_id, mods, perf.difficulty.stars, perf.pp, ); }; const nm = 1 << 0; const ez = 1 << 1; const hd = 1 << 3; const hr = 1 << 4; const dt = 1 << 6; const ht = 1 << 8; const fl = 1 << 10; compute_and_insert(nm); compute_and_insert(hd); compute_and_insert(hr); compute_and_insert(dt); compute_and_insert(fl); compute_and_insert(ez); compute_and_insert(ht); compute_and_insert(hd | hr); compute_and_insert(hd | dt); compute_and_insert(hd | fl); compute_and_insert(hr | dt); compute_and_insert(hr | fl); compute_and_insert(dt | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | ez); compute_and_insert(hd | ht); compute_and_insert(ez | ht); compute_and_insert(ez | fl); compute_and_insert(ht | fl); compute_and_insert(ez | dt); compute_and_insert(hr | ht); compute_and_insert(hd | hr | dt); compute_and_insert(hd | hr | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | dt | fl); compute_and_insert(hr | dt | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | ez | ht); compute_and_insert(hd | ez | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | ht | fl); compute_and_insert(ez | ht | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | ez | dt); compute_and_insert(ez | dt | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | hr | ht); compute_and_insert(hr | ht | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | hr | dt | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | ez | ht | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | ez | dt | fl); compute_and_insert(hd | hr | ht | fl); return await _get_map_info(map_id, api_res); } export {get_map_info};