import EventEmitter from 'events'; import {Socket} from 'net'; import Config from './util/config.js'; import {capture_sentry_exception} from './util/helpers.js'; class BanchoClient extends EventEmitter { constructor() { super(); this.connected = false; this._whois_requests = []; this._outgoing_messages = []; this._buffer = ''; this._socket = null; this._writer = null; this._whoare = []; // Lobbies that we JOIN'd, not necessarily fully initialized this._lobbies = []; // Fully initialized lobbies where the bot is running actual logic this.joined_lobbies = []; } connect() { this._socket = new Socket(); // Note sure if this is correct when IRC PING exists this._socket.setKeepAlive(true); this._socket.setTimeout(10000, () => { this._socket.emit('error', new Error('Timed out.')); }); this._socket.on('error', (err) => { console.error('[IRC] Connection error:', err); capture_sentry_exception(err); this._socket.destroy(); }); this._socket.on('close', () => {'[IRC] Connection closed. Cleaning up.'); while (this._outgoing_messages.length > 0) { const obj = this._outgoing_messages.shift(); obj.callback(); } this._buffer = ''; clearInterval(this._writer); this._writer = null; this.connected = false; this.emit('disconnect'); });'[IRC] Connecting...'); this._socket.connect({ host: '', port: 6667, }, () => {'[IRC] Connected.'); this._send(`PASS ${Config.osu_irc_password}`); this._send(`USER ${Config.osu_username} 0 * :${Config.osu_username}`); this._send(`NICK ${Config.osu_username}`); this._writer = setInterval(() => { const obj = this._outgoing_messages.shift(); if (obj) { this._send(obj.message); obj.callback(); } }, Config.MILLISECONDS_BETWEEN_SENDS); }); return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const {BanchoLobby} = await import('./lobby.js'); this._socket.on('data', (data) => { data = data.toString().replace(/\r/g, ''); this._buffer += data; const lines = this._buffer.split('\n'); for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) { const parts = lines[i].split(' '); if (parts[1] != 'QUIT') { console.debug('< ' + lines[i]); } if (parts[0] == 'PING') { parts.shift(); this._send('PONG ' + parts.join(' ')); continue; } if (parts[1] == '001') {'[IRC] Successfully logged in.'); this.connected = true; resolve(); continue; } if (parts[1] == '311') { // parts[3]: target username // parts[4]: user profile url const user_id = parseInt(parts[4].substring(parts[4].lastIndexOf('/') + 1), 10); if (parts[3] in this._whois_requests) { this._whoare[parts[3]] = user_id; this._whois_requests[parts[3]].resolve(user_id); delete this._whois_requests[parts[3]]; } continue; } if (parts[1] == '401') { const target = parts[3]; parts.splice(0, 4); if (target in this._whois_requests) { this._whois_requests[target].reject(parts.join(' ').substring(1)); delete this._whois_requests[target]; } continue; } // These channel-specific errors can be sent to a channel, even if // you haven't joined it or been forced to join it. :) const error_codes = ['461', '403', '405', '475', '474', '471', '473']; if (error_codes.includes(parts[1])) { const channel = parts[3]; parts.splice(0, 4); this.emit( 'lobbyJoined', { channel: channel, lobby: null, }, new Error(parts.join(' ').substring(1)), ); continue; } if (parts[1] == '464') { console.error('[IRC] Invalid username/password. See:'); parts.shift(); parts.shift(); reject(new Error(parts.join(' ').substring(1))); continue; } // Bancho can push JOIN commands anytime, and we need to handle those appropriately. if (parts[1] == 'JOIN') { const channel = parts[2].substring(1); const lobby = new BanchoLobby(channel); this._lobbies.push(lobby); continue; } if (parts[1] == 'PRIVMSG' && parts[2] == Config.osu_username) { const full_source = parts.shift(); parts.splice(0, 2); let source = null; if (full_source.indexOf('!') != -1) { source = full_source.substring(1, full_source.indexOf('!')); } const message = parts.join(' ').substring(1); this.emit('pm', { from: source, message: message, }); continue; } // Unhandled line: pass it to all JOIN'd lobbies for (const lobby of this._lobbies) { lobby.handle_line(lines[i]); } } this._buffer = lines.pop(); }); }); } _send(raw_message) { // Make sure users can't send commands by injecting '\r\n' raw_message = raw_message.split('\r')[0]; raw_message = raw_message.split('\n')[0]; if (this._socket && this._socket.readyState == 'open') { if (raw_message.indexOf('PASS ') == 0) { console.debug('> PASS *********'); } else { console.debug('> ' + raw_message); } this._socket.write(raw_message + '\r\n'); } } // The process for making lobbies goes like this: // // 1. You send !mp make // 2. Bancho makes you JOIN a new lobby // 3. Bancho sends you info about that lobby // 4. Bancho finally tells you the title and ID of the lobby // // Because of this, we automatically join lobbies that Bancho "pushes" onto // us, and wait for step 4 to resolve that auto-joined lobby. make(lobby_title) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let nb_owned_lobbies = 0; for (const lobby of this._lobbies) { if ( == Config.osu_username) { nb_owned_lobbies++; } } if (nb_owned_lobbies >= Config.max_lobbies) { return reject(new Error('Cannot create any more matches.')); } const room_created_listener = async (msg) => { const room_created_regex = /Created the tournament match https:\/\/osu\.ppy\.sh\/mp\/(\d+) (.+)/; if (msg.from == 'BanchoBot') { if (msg.message.indexOf('You cannot create any more tournament matches.') == 0) {'pm', room_created_listener); return reject(new Error('Cannot create any more matches.')); } const m = room_created_regex.exec(msg.message); if (m && m[2] == lobby_title) {'pm', room_created_listener); for (const lobby of this._lobbies) { if ( == m[1]) { console.log(`Created lobby "${lobby_title}".`); return resolve(lobby); } } // Should not be reachable, as long as Bancho sends the commands // in the right order (which it should). return reject(new Error('Lobby was created but not joined. (ask the devs to check the logs)')); } } }; this.on('pm', room_created_listener); this.privmsg('BanchoBot', `!mp make ${lobby_title}`); }); } join(channel) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { for (const lobby of this._lobbies) { if ( == channel) { return reject(new Error('Lobby already joined')); } } const join_listener = (evt, err) => { if ( == channel) {'lobbyJoined', join_listener); if (err) { return reject(err); } else { return resolve(evt.lobby); } } }; this.on('lobbyJoined', join_listener); this._send('JOIN ' + channel); }); } privmsg(destination, content) { // In a recent Bancho update, PMing users with spaces in their username // resulted in sometimes PMing the wrong user. To get around this, we // always replace spaces with underscores. destination = destination.replaceAll(' ', '_'); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!this._socket || this._socket.readyState != 'open') { return resolve(); } this._outgoing_messages.push({ message: `PRIVMSG ${destination} :${content}`, callback: resolve, }); }); } // (async) Get a user ID from an IRC username. whois(irc_username) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (irc_username.indexOf(' ') != -1) { reject(new Error('Cannot WHOIS a username that contains spaces.')); return; } setTimeout(() => reject(new Error('Timeout out on whois request')), 5000); if (irc_username in this._whoare) { return resolve(this._whoare[irc_username]); } this._whois_requests[irc_username] = {resolve, reject}; this._send('WHOIS ' + irc_username); }); } } const bancho = new BanchoClient(); export default bancho;