ranked.js 18 KB

  1. import fetch from 'node-fetch';
  2. import {osu_fetch} from './api.js';
  3. import bancho from './bancho.js';
  4. import db from './database.js';
  5. import {save_game_and_update_rating} from './elo.js';
  6. import Config from './util/config.js';
  7. import {capture_sentry_exception} from './util/helpers.js';
  8. import {get_map_info} from './map_scanner.js';
  9. import {auto_rejoin_lobbies} from './supervisor.js';
  10. function get_new_title(lobby) {
  11. let new_title = lobby.data.title;
  12. // Min stars: we prefer not displaying the decimals whenever possible
  13. let fancy_min_stars;
  14. if (Math.abs(lobby.data.min_stars - Math.round(lobby.data.min_stars)) <= 0.1) {
  15. fancy_min_stars = Math.round(lobby.data.min_stars);
  16. } else {
  17. fancy_min_stars = Math.round(lobby.data.min_stars * 100) / 100;
  18. }
  19. // Max stars: we prefer displaying .99 whenever possible
  20. let fancy_max_stars;
  21. if (lobby.data.max_stars > 11) {
  22. // ...unless it's a ridiculously big number
  23. fancy_max_stars = Math.round(lobby.data.max_stars);
  24. } else {
  25. if (Math.abs(lobby.data.max_stars - Math.round(lobby.data.max_stars)) <= 0.1) {
  26. fancy_max_stars = (Math.round(lobby.data.max_stars) - 0.01).toFixed(2);
  27. } else {
  28. fancy_max_stars = Math.round(lobby.data.max_stars * 100) / 100;
  29. }
  30. }
  31. let stars;
  32. if (lobby.data.max_stars - lobby.data.min_stars == 1 && lobby.data.min_stars % 1 == 0) {
  33. // Simplify "4-4.99*" lobbies as "4*"
  34. stars = `${lobby.data.min_stars}`;
  35. } else {
  36. stars = `${fancy_min_stars}-${fancy_max_stars}`;
  37. }
  38. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$min_stars', fancy_min_stars);
  39. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$avg_stars', Math.round(lobby.data.avg_stars * 10) / 10);
  40. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$max_stars', fancy_max_stars);
  41. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$min_elo', Math.round(lobby.data.min_elo));
  42. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$avg_elo', Math.round(lobby.data.avg_elo));
  43. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$max_elo', Math.round(lobby.data.max_elo));
  44. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$elo', Math.round(lobby.data.avg_elo));
  45. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$min_pp', Math.round(lobby.data.min_pp));
  46. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$avg_pp', Math.round(lobby.data.avg_pp));
  47. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$max_pp', Math.round(lobby.data.max_pp));
  48. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$pp', Math.round(lobby.data.avg_pp));
  49. new_title = new_title.replaceAll('$stars', stars);
  50. return new_title;
  51. }
  52. async function set_new_title(lobby) {
  53. let new_title = get_new_title(lobby);
  54. if (!Config.IS_PRODUCTION) {
  55. new_title = 'test lobby';
  56. }
  57. if (lobby.name != new_title) {
  58. await lobby.send(`!mp name ${new_title}`);
  59. lobby.name = new_title;
  60. }
  61. }
  62. // Updates the map selection query to account for lobby's current elo/pp.
  63. // Also updates min/avg/max elo/pp/star values for use in lobby title.
  64. function update_map_selection_query(lobby) {
  65. let median_pp = 0;
  66. let min_elo = 9999;
  67. let median_elo = 1500;
  68. let max_elo = 0;
  69. if (lobby.players.length > 0) {
  70. const pps = [];
  71. const elos = [];
  72. for (const player of lobby.players) {
  73. if (typeof player.pps === 'undefined') continue;
  74. pps.push(Math.min(600, player.pps[lobby.data.ruleset]));
  75. const elo = player.ratings[lobby.data.ruleset].elo;
  76. if (elo < min_elo) min_elo = elo;
  77. if (elo > max_elo) max_elo = elo;
  78. elos.push(elo);
  79. }
  80. const middle = Math.floor(pps.length / 2);
  81. if (pps.length % 2 == 0) {
  82. median_pp = (pps[middle - 1] + pps[middle]) / 2;
  83. median_elo = (elos[middle - 1] + elos[middle]) / 2;
  84. } else {
  85. median_pp = pps[middle];
  86. median_elo = elos[middle];
  87. }
  88. }
  89. const get_query = (type) => {
  90. if (type == 'random') {
  91. return {
  92. query: `SELECT * FROM pool_${lobby.id} pool
  93. INNER JOIN pp ON pp.map_id = pool.map_id
  94. WHERE ${lobby.data.filter_query} AND mods = ?`,
  95. args: [lobby.data.mods],
  96. };
  97. }
  98. if (type == 'pp') {
  99. return {
  100. query: `SELECT *, ABS(? - pp) AS pick_accuracy FROM pool_${lobby.id} pool
  101. INNER JOIN pp ON pp.map_id = pool.map_id
  102. WHERE ${lobby.data.filter_query} AND mods = ?
  103. ORDER BY pick_accuracy ASC LIMIT ?`,
  104. args: [median_pp, lobby.data.mods, lobby.data.pp_closeness],
  105. };
  106. }
  107. throw new Error('Unknown map selection type');
  108. };
  109. lobby.map_query = get_query(lobby.data.map_selection_algo);
  110. const query_stats = db.prepare(
  111. `SELECT AVG(stars) AS avg_stars,
  112. MIN(pp) AS min_pp, AVG(pp) AS avg_pp, MAX(pp) AS max_pp
  113. FROM (${lobby.map_query.query})`,
  114. ).get(...lobby.map_query.args);
  115. lobby.data.avg_stars = query_stats.avg_stars;
  116. lobby.data.min_pp = query_stats.min_pp;
  117. lobby.data.avg_pp = query_stats.avg_pp;
  118. lobby.data.max_pp = query_stats.max_pp;
  119. lobby.data.min_elo = min_elo;
  120. lobby.data.avg_elo = median_elo; // ok it's median, not avg, but better this way
  121. lobby.data.max_elo = max_elo;
  122. }
  123. async function push_map(lobby, new_map) {
  124. const MAP_TYPES = {
  125. 1: 'graveyard',
  126. 2: 'wip',
  127. 3: 'pending',
  128. 4: 'ranked',
  129. 5: 'approved',
  130. 6: 'qualified',
  131. 7: 'loved',
  132. };
  133. lobby.data.recent_mapids.push(new_map.map_id);
  134. lobby.data.recent_mapsets.push(new_map.set_id);
  135. try {
  136. const flavor = `${MAP_TYPES[new_map.ranked] || 'graveyard'} ${Math.round(new_map.pp)}pp`;
  137. const map_name = `[https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/${new_map.map_id} ${new_map.name}]`;
  138. const osu_direct_link = `[https://api.osu.direct/d/${new_map.set_id} [1]]`;
  139. const chimu_link = `[https://chimu.moe/d/${new_map.set_id} [2]]`;
  140. const nerina_link = `[https://api.nerinyan.moe/d/${new_map.set_id} [3]]`;
  141. const sayobot_link = `[https://osu.sayobot.cn/osu.php?s=${new_map.set_id} [4]]`;
  142. await lobby.send(`!mp map ${new_map.map_id} ${new_map.mode} | ${map_name} (${flavor}) Downloads: ${osu_direct_link} ${chimu_link} ${nerina_link} ${sayobot_link}`);
  143. lobby.map = new_map;
  144. await set_new_title(lobby);
  145. } catch (e) {
  146. console.error(`${lobby.channel} Failed to switch to map ${new_map.map_id} ${new_map.name}:`, e);
  147. }
  148. }
  149. async function select_next_map() {
  150. clearTimeout(this.countdown);
  151. this.countdown = -1;
  152. if (this.data.recent_mapsets.length >= this.data.nb_non_repeating) {
  153. this.data.recent_mapids.shift();
  154. this.data.recent_mapsets.shift();
  155. }
  156. update_map_selection_query(this);
  157. let new_map = null;
  158. for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  159. new_map = db.prepare(`
  160. SELECT * FROM (${this.map_query.query})
  162. ).get(...this.map_query.args);
  163. if (!new_map) break;
  164. if (!this.data.recent_mapsets.includes(new_map.set_id)) {
  165. break;
  166. }
  167. }
  168. if (!new_map) {
  169. await this.send(`Couldn't find a map with the current lobby settings :/`);
  170. return;
  171. }
  172. await push_map(this, new_map);
  173. }
  174. function generate_map_pool_table(lobby) {
  175. // Vary map attributes based on selected mods
  176. let ar = 1.0;
  177. let cs = 1.0;
  178. let od = 1.0;
  179. let hp = 1.0;
  180. let bpm = 1.0;
  181. let length = 1.0;
  182. if (lobby.data.mods & (1 << 1)) {
  183. // EZ
  184. ar /= 2;
  185. cs /= 2;
  186. hp /= 2;
  187. od /= 2;
  188. } else if (lobby.data.mods & (1 << 4)) {
  189. // HR
  190. ar *= 1.4;
  191. if (ar > 10) ar = 10;
  192. cs *= 1.3;
  193. hp *= 1.4;
  194. od *= 1.4;
  195. }
  196. if (lobby.data.mods & (1 << 6)) {
  197. // DT
  198. bpm *= 1.5;
  199. length *= 0.66;
  200. } else if (lobby.data.mods & (1 << 8)) {
  201. // HT
  202. bpm *= 0.75;
  203. length *= 1.33;
  204. }
  205. if (lobby.data.map_pool == 'leaderboarded') {
  206. db.prepare(`
  207. CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE pool_${lobby.id} AS
  208. SELECT map_id, set_id, mode, name, ar * ${ar} AS ar, cs * ${cs} AS cs, hp * ${hp} AS hp, od * ${od} AS od,
  209. bpm * ${bpm} AS bpm, length * ${length} AS length, ranked FROM map
  210. WHERE ranked >= 3 AND dmca = 0 AND mode = ?
  211. `).run(lobby.data.ruleset);
  212. } else {
  213. db.prepare(`CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE pool_${lobby.id} (map_id, set_id, mode, name, ar, cs, hp, od, bpm, length, ranked)`).run();
  214. const insert_map = db.prepare(`
  215. INSERT INTO pool_${lobby.id} (map_id, set_id, mode, name, ar, cs, hp, od, bpm, length, ranked)
  216. SELECT map_id, set_id, mode, name, ar * ${ar}, cs * ${cs}, hp * ${hp}, od * ${od}, bpm * ${bpm}, length * ${length}, ranked
  217. FROM map WHERE map_id = ?`,
  218. );
  219. for (const mapset of lobby.data.collection.beatmapsets) {
  220. for (const map of mapset.beatmaps) {
  221. insert_map.run(map.id);
  222. }
  223. }
  224. }
  225. }
  226. async function pick_new_host(lobby) {
  227. if (lobby.data.hostless) return;
  228. let best_player = lobby.players[0];
  229. for (const player of lobby.players) {
  230. if (player.user_id == lobby.data.creator_id) {
  231. best_player = player;
  232. break;
  233. }
  234. if (player.total_scores > best_player.total_scores) {
  235. best_player = player;
  236. }
  237. }
  238. await lobby.send(`!mp host ${best_player.irc_username}`);
  239. }
  240. async function init_lobby(lobby, data, created_just_now) {
  241. lobby.created_just_now = created_just_now;
  242. // Defaults for old lobbies
  243. if (!data.min_stars) data.min_stars = 0;
  244. if (!data.max_stars) data.max_stars = 11;
  245. if (!data.ruleset) data.ruleset = 0;
  246. if (!data.map_selection_algo) data.map_selection_algo = 'pp';
  247. if (!data.map_pool) data.map_pool = 'leaderboarded';
  248. if (!data.mods) data.mods = 0;
  249. if (!data.mod_list) data.mod_list = [];
  250. if (!data.filter_query) {
  251. if (data.ruleset == 3) {
  252. data.filter_query = 'cs = 4';
  253. } else {
  254. data.filter_query = 1;
  255. }
  256. }
  257. if (!data.nb_non_repeating) data.nb_non_repeating = 100;
  258. if (!data.pp_closeness) data.pp_closeness = 50;
  259. if (!data.title) data.title = '$avg_stars* | o!RL (!info)';
  260. if (!data.recent_mapids) data.recent_mapids = [];
  261. if (!data.recent_mapsets) data.recent_mapsets = [];
  262. // Save every lobby.data update to the database
  263. lobby.data = new Proxy(data, {
  264. set(obj, prop, value) {
  265. obj[prop] = value;
  266. db.prepare(`UPDATE match SET data = ? WHERE match_id = ?`).run(JSON.stringify(obj), lobby.id);
  267. if (prop == 'ruleset') {
  268. db.prepare(`UPDATE match SET ruleset = ? WHERE match_id = ?`).run(value, lobby.id);
  269. }
  270. return true;
  271. },
  272. });
  273. if (created_just_now) {
  274. // Should be saved later in this method, but just in case, save lobby data now
  275. db.prepare(`UPDATE match SET data = ? WHERE match_id = ?`).run(JSON.stringify(data), lobby.id);
  276. }
  277. lobby.afk_kicked = [];
  278. lobby.dodgers = [];
  279. lobby.match_participants = [];
  280. lobby.votekicks = [];
  281. lobby.countdown = -1;
  282. lobby.select_next_map = select_next_map;
  283. lobby.match_end_timeout = -1;
  284. if (lobby.data.collection_id && !lobby.data.collection) {
  285. try {
  286. const res = await fetch(`https://osucollector.com/api/collections/${lobby.data.collection_id}`);
  287. if (res.status == 404) {
  288. throw new Error('Collection not found.');
  289. }
  290. if (!res.ok) {
  291. throw new Error(await res.text());
  292. }
  293. lobby.data.collection = await res.json();
  294. } catch (err) {
  295. await lobby.send(`Failed to load collection: ${err.message}`);
  296. throw err;
  297. }
  298. }
  299. // generate_map_pool_table() must be called after fetching lobby.data.collection!
  300. generate_map_pool_table(lobby);
  301. lobby.on('close', () => {
  302. db.prepare(`DROP TABLE temp.pool_${lobby.id}`).run();
  303. if (!lobby.dont_reopen && bancho.joined_lobbies.length == 0) auto_rejoin_lobbies();
  304. });
  305. lobby.on('settings', async () => {
  306. for (const player of lobby.players) {
  307. if (lobby.playing && player.state != 'No Map') {
  308. lobby.match_participants.push(player);
  309. }
  310. }
  311. // Cannot select a map until we fetched the player IDs via !mp settings.
  312. if (lobby.created_just_now) {
  313. await lobby.select_next_map();
  314. lobby.created_just_now = false;
  315. }
  316. });
  317. lobby.on('playerJoined', async (player) => {
  318. player.join_time = Date.now();
  319. if (lobby.host == null || player.user_id == lobby.data.creator_id) {
  320. pick_new_host(lobby);
  321. }
  322. });
  323. lobby.on('playerLeft', async (player) => {
  324. if (lobby.match_participants.includes(player)) {
  325. lobby.dodgers.push(player);
  326. }
  327. if (lobby.players.length == 0) {
  328. await set_new_title(lobby);
  329. } else {
  330. // Pick a new host if current host left the lobby
  331. if (player.is_host) {
  332. pick_new_host(lobby);
  333. }
  334. }
  335. });
  336. const kick_afk_players = async () => {
  337. const players_to_kick = [];
  338. for (const user of lobby.match_participants) {
  339. // If the player hasn't scored after 10 seconds, they should get kicked
  340. if (!lobby.scores.some((s) => s.player == user)) {
  341. players_to_kick.push(user);
  342. }
  343. }
  344. // It never is more than 1 player who is causing issues. To make sure we
  345. // don't kick the whole lobby, let's wait a bit more.
  346. if (players_to_kick.length > 1) {
  347. lobby.match_end_timeout = setTimeout(kick_afk_players, 10000);
  348. return;
  349. }
  350. lobby.match_participants = lobby.match_participants.filter((p) => p != players_to_kick[0]);
  351. lobby.afk_kicked.push(players_to_kick[0]);
  352. await lobby.send(`!mp kick ${players_to_kick[0].username}`);
  353. };
  354. lobby.on('score', (score) => {
  355. // Sometimes players prevent the match from ending. Bancho will only end
  356. // the match after ~2 minutes of players waiting, which is very
  357. // frustrating. To avoid having to close the game or wait an eternity, we
  358. // kick the offending player.
  359. if (score.score > 0 && lobby.match_end_timeout == -1) {
  360. lobby.match_end_timeout = setTimeout(kick_afk_players, 10000);
  361. }
  362. });
  363. // After the host finishes playing, their client resets the map to the one they played.
  364. // Because we change the map *before* they rejoin the lobby, we need to re-select our map.
  365. lobby.on('playerChangedBeatmap', async () => {
  366. if (lobby.data.recent_mapids.includes(lobby.beatmap_id)) {
  367. await lobby.send(`!mp map ${lobby.data.recent_mapids[lobby.data.recent_mapids.length - 1]} ${lobby.data.ruleset}`);
  368. } else {
  369. try {
  370. await get_map_info(lobby.beatmap_id);
  371. const new_map = db.prepare(`
  372. SELECT * FROM map INNER JOIN pp ON pp.map_id = map.map_id
  373. WHERE map.map_id = ? AND mode = ? AND mods = ?`,
  374. ).get(lobby.beatmap_id, lobby.data.ruleset, lobby.data.mods);
  375. if (new_map) {
  376. await push_map(lobby, new_map);
  377. }
  378. } catch (err) {
  379. console.error(err);
  380. await lobby.send(`Sorry, failed to get information on [https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmaps/${lobby.beatmap_id} Map ${lobby.beatmap_id}]... Reason: ${err.message}`);
  381. }
  382. }
  383. });
  384. lobby.on('matchFinished', async (scores) => {
  385. clearTimeout(lobby.match_end_timeout);
  386. lobby.match_end_timeout = -1;
  387. await lobby.select_next_map();
  388. const fetch_last_match = async (tries) => {
  389. if (tries > 5) {
  390. console.error('Failed to get game results from API in lobby ' + lobby.id);
  391. return;
  392. }
  393. let match = null;
  394. let game = null;
  395. try {
  396. match = await osu_fetch(`https://osu.ppy.sh/api/v2/matches/${lobby.id}`);
  397. for (const event of match.events) {
  398. if (event.game && event.game.end_time) {
  399. game = event.game;
  400. }
  401. }
  402. if (game == null || game == lobby.data.last_game_id) {
  403. setTimeout(() => fetch_last_match(tries++), 5000);
  404. return;
  405. }
  406. } catch (err) {
  407. if (err.name == 'SyntaxError') {
  408. await lobby.send('osu!api is having issues, scores ignored. More info: https://status.ppy.sh/');
  409. } else {
  410. capture_sentry_exception(err);
  411. }
  412. return;
  413. }
  414. // Handle dodgers
  415. lobby.data.last_game_id = game.id;
  416. for (const afk of lobby.afk_kicked) {
  417. game.scores = game.scores.filter((s) => s.user_id != afk.user_id);
  418. }
  419. for (const dodger of lobby.dodgers) {
  420. if (lobby.afk_kicked.includes(dodger)) continue;
  421. game.scores = game.scores.filter((s) => s.user_id != dodger.user_id);
  422. game.scores.push({
  423. accuracy: null,
  424. max_combo: null,
  425. mods: [],
  426. statistics: {
  427. count_50: null,
  428. count_100: null,
  429. count_300: null,
  430. count_miss: null,
  431. count_geki: null,
  432. count_katu: null,
  433. },
  434. perfect: null,
  435. created_at: new Date().toISOString(),
  436. score: 0,
  437. user_id: dodger.user_id,
  438. dodged: true,
  439. });
  440. }
  441. // Handle unloaded players (99% of the time, banned from bancho)
  442. game.scores = game.scores.filter((score) => lobby.players.some((player) => player.user_id == score.user_id));
  443. save_game_and_update_rating(lobby, game);
  444. };
  445. setTimeout(() => fetch_last_match(0), 5000);
  446. });
  447. lobby.on('allPlayersReady', async () => {
  448. // Players can spam the Ready button and due to lag, this command could
  449. // be spammed before the match actually got started.
  450. if (!lobby.playing) {
  451. lobby.playing = true;
  452. await lobby.send(`!mp start .${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 6)}`);
  453. }
  454. });
  455. lobby.on('matchStarted', async () => {
  456. clearTimeout(lobby.countdown);
  457. lobby.countdown = -1;
  458. lobby.afk_kicked = [];
  459. lobby.dodgers = [];
  460. lobby.match_participants = [];
  461. await lobby.send(`!mp settings ${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 6)}`);
  462. });
  463. if (lobby.created_just_now) {
  464. await lobby.send(`!mp settings ${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 6)}`);
  465. await lobby.send('!mp password');
  466. if (lobby.data.mods == 0) {
  467. if (lobby.data.freemod) {
  468. await lobby.send('!mp mods freemod');
  469. } else {
  470. await lobby.send('!mp mods none');
  471. }
  472. } else {
  473. await lobby.send(`!mp mods ${lobby.data.mod_list.join(' ')} ${lobby.data.freemod ? 'freemod' : ''}`);
  474. }
  475. // Lobbies are ScoreV1 - but we ignore the results and get the full score info from osu's API.
  476. await lobby.send(`!mp set 0 0 16`);
  477. update_map_selection_query(lobby);
  478. await set_new_title(lobby);
  479. } else {
  480. let restart_msg = 'restarted';
  481. if (lobby.data.restart_msg) {
  482. restart_msg = lobby.data.restart_msg;
  483. lobby.data.restart_msg = null;
  484. }
  485. await lobby.send(`!mp settings (${restart_msg}) ${Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, 6)}`);
  486. }
  487. bancho.joined_lobbies.push(lobby);
  488. }
  489. export {
  490. init_lobby,
  491. get_new_title,
  492. };